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Autoflowering vs Photoperiod Strains
Autoflowering vs Photoperiod Strains

What makes autoflower strains unique?

Written by Jerad Lauzier
Updated over 8 months ago

Autoflowering strains will vegetate for a limited time and then go into flowering automatically. They usually yield within 2-3 months but produce a smaller plant with limited yield. Autoflowering strains cannot be cloned. Photoperiod strains produce a larger plant, take an average of 4 months to yield, and require you to control light conditions to force plants into flowering. Using light dep greenhouses, these standard strains can produce up to 3 harvests per year. The plant is annual when left to its own devices and can be pollinated to produce seeds.

Growth Stages

Short-day plants start as seedlings, as they start to put on leaves and grow thicker stems, they enter a juvenile phase before entering the vegetative growth stage. During this time the leaves and stems grow and expand. A short-day plant will maintain vegetative growth when it gets more than 12 hours of light per day, ideally 14-16 hours.

When there are 12 or fewer hours of light, the plant initiates floral growth. During this time, plants can double in height. They divert their energy away from leaves and begin to grow flowers. Flowers grow and ripen over time until the grower decides they are ready for harvest.

Growth Needs

You can grow both autoflower and photoperiod strains in a greenhouse. Since autoflower strains flower based on time instead of daylight cues, they do not require a light dep system. However, autoflower plants tend to yield lower than standard strains. A blackout system is needed for growing standard strains in a greenhouse. In order for plants to flower properly, everything needs to be 100% light-proof. Both autoflowering and photoperiod strains may also need supplemental lighting if cloudy weather is common or during the winter months of year-round growing. If you are looking to buy a light deprivation greenhouse, Hortitech Direct offers a variety of Light Dep Greenhouse Kits that you can compare!

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