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Greenhouse Thermostats

Single-stage thermostats can be used for heating or cooling.

Written by Jerad Lauzier
Updated over 9 months ago

Fan and vent motors are commonly controlled with thermostats or controller. While these systems can be operated manually, it is best to have them wired to a thermostat which ensures more even greenhouse climate control and reduces energy costs. One thermostat each is needed for the automated operation of heaters, fans, and shutters. Two-stage thermostats are better for winter climate control. The best thermostats have a +/- 1º-5º differential between the setpoint and turning the systems on or off.

Greenhouse Thermostat Maintenance

Maintaining your greenhouse thermostat or controller box is an essential part of keeping your greenhouse energy efficient. Be sure to follow these tips to make sure your thermostat is at its peak performance all year round!

  • Ventilation thermostats and sensors should be placed in the center of the planting area, at plant height, and adjacent to the heating thermostat

  • Thermostats should be enclosed in aspirated boxes for the best accuracy

  • Thermostats can be checked by taking air temperature with a thermometer near where the thermostat is mounted

  • +/- 1°F accuracy thermostats are most accurate end energy efficient

  • Mechanical thermostats have a 4-6°F differential between on and off that keeps the fan running for some time after the setpoint is reached

  • A controller box can be wired to integrate heating and cooling on one thermostat

  • Thermostats will perform most accurately when installed near the center of the greenhouse at plant height

Greenhouse Thermostats for Sale

  • Weather-resistant enclosure

  • 40° - 100°F temperature range

  • Rapid response to temperature changes

  • Can control circulation or exhaust fans, power shutters, heaters, or heat lamps

  • Underwriters Laboratories (UL) listed and CSA certified

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